Pre-Winter Panorama Ridge Hike

A gallery recording the trip to Panorama Ridge.

Recorded on Strava, the entire trip covered 20.5 miles with a 5,500 ft elevation gain and took 7h 30min of moving time. We departed from the Rubble Creek Trailhead, took a detour to the Garibaldi Lake Campground, summited the iconic Panorama Ridge, and returned via the Taylor Meadows Trail.

By the end of October, permits were no longer needed. The parking lot was mostly empty at night since fewer people chose to spend the night there. The temperature was only a couple of degrees above freezing, but there was no wind. I camped there and had a sound sleep with the sound of Rubble Creek rumbling all night long.

We set out at around 5 AM, but the sun didn’t rise until after 7 AM, when we had already passed the Garibaldi Lake Campground. The moon was still high in the sky, and the lake water was tranquil.

Along the trail, many small ponds had already frozen over. However, after doing some research on Garibaldi Lake, it seems that the lake does not always freeze over during winter.

Once above the treeline, the hike began to reveal its true beauty. The landscape was a frozen tableau, with frost and snow partially covering the ground, leaving patches of bushes, dirt, and streams exposed. The distant mountain ranges were already capped with snow — some peaks were home to glaciers.

And then, the Black Tusk appeared. So distinctive and identifiable is this monumental rock that one simply cannot tear their gaze away from it. This was the first time I had been so close to it — normally, I would admire it from a distance, from the top of the Peak Express at Whistler Blackcomb.

It is said that the original name T’ákt’akmúten tl’a In’inyáxa7n means “Landing Place of the Thunderbird“. I could imagine how the native people would regard this with the utmost respect.

Eventually, after hiking up an exposed rock trail, the entirety of Garibaldi Lake unfolded before us. Until this point, the entire trail was a very typical Pacific Northwest hike, with most sections winding through forests, and finally emerging above the treeline. However, to observe a lake so vast and so vividly green, encircled by glaciers, is truly astounding. Just after summer, the glaciers were though at their smallest size.

Here are the surrounding peaks: The Sphinx, Guard Mountain, Glacier Pikes, Mount Garibaldi, The Table, Mount Price, Clinker Peak.

The overall hiking experience reminded me of our famous Enchantments Thru-Hike. Although this trail surpasses The Enchantments in both length and elevation gain, it is so well-maintained and designed that it feels much less strenuous. Even the final section proved to be far less challenging than the climb up Aasgard Pass. Nevertheless, I must admit that The Enchantment Lakes remain at the pinnacle of my Pacific Northwest list as an alpine wonderland.

Mount Tantalus rises like a colossal wall, with Garibaldi Lake sprawling in the foreground.

Here are some photos of myself and our cherished group. This is my first hiking trip in the Vancouver area, and it’s definitely been a great one. Now, I’m beginning to mark more and more destinations for future trips.

From Cusco to Puno 库斯科至普诺之旅


这个大巴行程一路会经停几处平时不容易专程前往的小镇和景点,如果行程时间不赶,这趟行程很值得推荐。清早第一站是教堂(San Pedro Apóstol de Andahuaylillas Church),此次秘鲁之行一路遇到很多教堂,这座也不例外,“鸠占鹊巢”,西班牙人在原有的当地印加人的祭祀神庙之上盖起了自己的建筑,只留下地基依稀可以辨认出不同时代的痕迹。教堂内部金碧辉煌,处处佐证着当时胜利者的傲慢。教堂内部虽然不允许拍照,但藤校耶鲁大学的学生还是有幸公费旅游到此处,留下了各种高清以及全景照片存档。


第二站抵达的小镇(Raqch’i)更有看点,一片残垣断壁(the Temple of Wiracocha),一座座没有了顶的圆形谷仓,这些石土堆砌而成的结构就这样伫立在这片高原之上。这里找到了一本小册子详细讲述了这个神庙的由来、结构、各种细节,或者如果你好奇Wiracocha是谁/什么(海洋的泡沫?),可以查一下这部印加词典


下午一路开入更荒芜的高原,左右两旁都是高耸的山峦,难以想象现在行车的这条路已经4000米以上的海拔,仍然行驶在安第斯山谷之中。行至拉雅垭口(Abra La Raya),是一处观景点,也是Cusco和Puno的分界点,远处的冰川(Chimboya)颇为壮丽。此处是整条线路的最高点,海拔到达4338米。许多摊贩在此等待游客,可惜全车人几乎没有慷慨解囊的,不知道他们一天能够达成多少交易。

傍晚时分最后在Pucara的一处很迷你的博物馆短暂停靠后,穿过Juliaca在太阳落山后来到了Puno。一日行程,早晚的住宿天差地别。短暂休息后,我们散步抵达城市的中心广场,旁边找了一家评分和位置颇为不错的饭店(Mojsas Restaurant)结束一天行程。




An Enchanted Summer Night 夏夜沉醉的晚上




Here are photos captured en route to Mt Fremont Fire Lookout on August 11th, undoubtedly a perfect vantage point to enjoy Mount Rainier against the backdrop of the Milky Way. The one-hour casual hike began just before sunset, following the path of the Sourdough Ridge Trail towards the Frozen Lake, and then transitioning to the Mt Fremont Trail leading us to the fire lookout. There, we spent an hour or two before returning under the midnight sky.