


// 之后填补更多细节



不得不说,我的伦敦之行为全书的阅读体验加分了太多。故事背景一大半发生在伦敦—,尤其是几块著名的街区,几条充满历史的地铁线路,地铁站,火车站,教堂,以及伦敦周边的几个城市。伦敦城经历了多少战火也依然保存了众多历史在城市各个角落,行走在其中的我也有着穿越进书本,或穿越回百年前的闪回。此处不得不提到另一个出发前做的功课————重新打开刺客信条·枭雄(Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate)。预先跑一遍各个景点,从各个塔顶、楼顶俯瞰一下城市全貌,阅读一下游戏编写人员的小百科,踩点一下之后肉身要打卡的名胜古迹。拿出游戏地图和谷歌地图左右对照,虽然不是一笔一等比例缩小,但重要地点一个不少,对应分享的故事也都饶有趣味,着实适合预习。

回到小说。总之这部长篇一定是得与伦敦有“羁绊”的人才最适合一读,或者你刚从那回来,还记得Leicester和Pret a Manger怎么发音,或者你正准备去,需要大概知道地铁站名都叫啥,再或者你是个老伦敦,生活好久了。这些人在读这部小说时候一定都能有更好的体验!

Dryer Repair Takeaway

Here lists the entire procedure of the dryer repair. The main issue is that my electric dryer started to vibrate and make loud noises when tumbling.

The repairer came and fixed the issue fairly quickly. But the overall experience was not good as the repairer was obviously not proficient and was not even concentrating on the job. I even needed to remind the repairer to reconnect all the wires and to screw back all the nails. Facepalm!

So, all the tools needed for the repair are:
An electric screwdriver - for screwing and unscrewing
A headlamp - for overall checking inside the dryer
A wood block - for raising the bottom of the dryer
A blanket - for protecting the disassembled components

Here are the steps:
0. Turn off the circuit breaker

  1. Unscrew two screws at the back
  2. Take off the top cover
  3. Unscrew two screws at the top
  4. Use the wood block to raise the front of the bottom
  5. Unscrew two screws at the bottom of the dryer
  6. Unscrew two screws aside from the round door
  7. Loosen the front board
  8. Disconnect all wires to the front board
  9. Take off the front board
  10. Disconnect other wires from the metal cover
  11. Take off two on the left, two on the right, two on the up right corner, and one on the bottom right corner - in total seven screws
  12. Take off the metal cover
  13. Check the blower
  14. Unscrew four screws around the blower
  15. Take off the blower cover
  16. Clean up the blower
  17. [optional] mark the top of the tumbler
  18. [optional] loosen the belt
  19. [optional] take off the tumbler

These are the steps to address my dryer’s issue. The root cause is the lint built up inside the blower. It is straightforward to open up the dryer and clean it out. The design of the dryer, or specifically, the shape of the blower was not ideal. It causes the lint not to be blown out of the machine, but stuck in between the blades of the blower.

With the above procedure written down, hopefully, I will be able to address this issue by myself next time and save the recurrent $300+ in the future.

2023-08-20 Update

Today I did a very successful dryer maintenance following the above procedures. Next time, I could create a follow-up post with some pictures.